cl design is now based in Paris (though we can also travel to you). Our experiences in London, New York, and Abu Dhabi have strengthened our passion for exploring new horizons.

Led by three creatives—Nicolas Journé, Camille Leroy-Vinclet, and Domitille Pouy—our experience since 2005 allows us to assemble the best team to meet your project needs.
Our teams are made up of creatives with complementary and cosmopolitan profiles.


cl design turns information into experiences for users.

We believe that design and ergonomics should serve the visitor.
The physical spaces and digital environments should create emotion through their values and aesthetics. What results is an experience that the user will remember.

cl design tells complex stories with simple shapes.

We believe that the narrative carries the visuals.
In order to exist, the communication must be carried by the story.
Each brand should invent its own language combined with images that convey its unique story.

cl design create signs that make sense.

We believe that less is more (more or less).
The visual universe of a brand must be composed of signs that make sense.
A typography or pictogram’s design is the foundation of a strong identity.


Camille Leroy-Vinclet
Associate art director
Founder of CL Design, daughter of an advertising executive and an art director, Camille Leroy-Vinclet has always been immersed in a creative world. A born entrepreneur with a strong business sense, in 2005 she created CL Design just after graduating from Penninghen. After setting up an office in London and then New York, Camille returned to Paris in 2020. Camille has worked on the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto, the Musée des Confluences in Lyon and the Tuileries Gardens in Paris.
Nicolas Journé
Associate art director
Co-founder of CL Design, Nicolas Journé met Camille Leroy-Vinclet at Penninghen. He joined CL Design after an experience at Printemps—the luxury department store in Paris—where he discovered the world of signage. Nicolas is passionate about architecture, and is constantly looking for the next innovation to offer his clients. He has exceptional human skills, and always makes himself available to listen to his partners and clients. Nicolas has worked for the Docks and the Mucem in Marseille, France. He also worked on the opening exhibition of the Louvre Abu Dhabi in the U.A.E.
Domitille Pouy
Associate art director
Domitille Pouy was trained as a typeface designer at École Estienne. Her career began at Thomas Manss & Company in London where she adopter his favorite mantra “ordnung & eccentricity.” She joined cldesign in 2008 and became a partner two years later. Her passion for the sea and crew regattas makes her the ideal teammate.
Jill Girard
Office manager
Jill Girard joined CL Design in 2013. With her entrepreneurial background, she took over the administrative management and provided the agency with structure and precision. In 2016, Jill accompanied Camille Leroy-Vinclet on a construction site. Her ability to project herself into space and to read a map led her to expand her skills to signage programming. She has trained under the leadership of Marie-Pierre Massé (ex-Altyx) since 2016. Jill has worked on the signage programming of the Bobigny hospital and on the UCPA Aren’Ice.
Éléanor Toti
Administrative Assistant
Éléanor joined the team in September 2024. She assists Jill Girard with the administrative tasks. Her duties notably include preparing tender documents and overseeing the daily operations of the agency along with other administrative responsibilities. Dynamic and versatile, Éléanor will most likely be your first point of contact when you call the agency.
Haruko Sumi
Graphic designer
Haruko Sumi has worked for CL Design for almost ten years. She speaks French, Japanese, English and is currently learning German. After graduating from Tsukuba University in Japan with a degree in visual communication, she worked at several graphic studios in Tokyo. Her passion for the Tour de France led her to travel to the country in 2009. From 2011 to 2013, she completed her education with a typography course at the Decorative Arts in Paris. Haruko has worked on the Huawei project and on the exhibition “Us and Them” at the Musée de l’Homme, in Paris.
Julien Correia
Graphic designer
Julien Correia studied architecture for three years at the Graduate School of Architecture in Versailles, where he developed a passion for graphic design. He completed his education with a BTS (a technician certificate) in visual communication and began his career as a graphic designer at a lighting design firm in Kyoto, Japan. Back in France, he worked as a graphic designer for several companies before joining the graphic design studio La Toolbox in 2014. He joined our team in 2017 and can (finally!) combine his passion for graphic design and architecture. Julien worked on the visual identity of the BAP and on the offices of the city of Paris’ official delegation for the Olympic Games.
Nicolas Pellerin
Graphic designer
Nicolas Pellerin studied visual communication in Nantes. After an experience in Antwerp where he practiced his taste for rigour and minimalism, he returned to Paris at CL Design. On skate-board or by foot, Nicolas is always looking for the sharp reference that will allows the team to find the perfect graphic solution. Nicolas worked on Angers Ice parc and NarboVia.
Marion Daemgen
Graphic designer
Arriving at Cl design in 2017 to finish her master's degree in graphic design, Marion has acquired real expertise in public buildings. Precise and organized, Marion does not hesitate to share the culinary peculiarities of her native Alsace.
Letizia Bernardelli
Graphic designer
After several experiences in Milan, Letizia joined the CL Design team in Paris at the beginning of 2023. Her legendary patience allows her to handle the largest signage projects while keeping a smile. An enthusiastic supporter of Italian athletes, she also enjoys bringing the team together with her unforgettable tiramisu recipe.
Teddy Pouteau
Graphic designer
Passionate about publishing and nature, Teddy manages Tilleul Publication during his free time. He brings his attention to detail and precision to the CL Design team. He is capable of working on projects of varying scales, from orthotypographic corrections to creating graphic environments.
Martin Champion
Graphic designer
Joining as an intern in 2022, Martin came back to CL Design one year later after completing his master's degree. Known for being the biggest 'geek' on the team, he excels when it comes to designing digital interfaces. He is also an avid reader of L'Équipe, which helps him to keep the CL Design team up to date with the latest in sports news

Team since 2005

Brigitte Leroy, Sharzad Laugier, Vann-Kiryvann Rath, Camille Guitton, Sharzad Laugier, Jennifer Fenoll, Varina Volk LéonovitchAlexis SellalEmmanuelle BuchetOlivia GrandperrinCamille Aznar

Former interns

Emma Riedo, Martin Omnes, Marilya Bertide, Jade Guyot, Lily Meunier, Loraine Martini, Lou-Ann Bouyahia–Jauvin, Johanna Labbé, Ella Cloutour, Martin Champion, Ambre Quemin, Charlotte Allais, Arom Jeong, Sara Tantane, Salomé Michard, Laeticia Lemoyne, Blanche Blatter, Lou Pallini, Jean Onillon, Runxi Duan, Léa De Pannemacker, Marion Daemgen, Justine Roussel, Nicolas Pellerin, Thomas Deshayes, Florent Mathon, Chloé Le Lay, Camille Raynal, Pierre Besombes, Lucille Bouche, Barnabe Bidaux, Sirou Koita, Marie Brochier, Theo Bernard, Deniz Yilmaz, Camille Demaimay, Maude Leconte, Hind Mellah, Sylvain Jule, Thomas Fournier, Sonia Mesplède, Adrien Grant Smith, Julien Picker, Emilie Dethinne, Baptiste Vandaele, Alexis Sellal, Giovanna Gandus, Josephine Thai, Camille Lasselin, Lucile Guarnaccia, Melissa Zambrana, Robin Pouly, Camille Guitton, Wei Xei, Marjorie Lequeux, Mathilde Wingering, Ophélie Tara, Blanche De Lasa, Thomas Paradis, Mathilde Boucher, Laura Mathia, Dorota Wojcik, Brice Marchal, Edouard Baribeaud, Vincent Ferreira, Clara Busson, Leslie Epsztein, Sharzad Laugier, Camille D’Ornano, Aline Dufat, Clémence Passot, Caroline Delestang, Jennifer Fenoll


architects, museographers and scenographers

Marc Mimram Architecture, Agence Nathalie Crinière, CUT Architectures, Atelier de l’île, Prost & architectes, Kengo Kuma, Dubuisson Architecture, Séquences, Philéas, Studio Gang, Kuehn Malvezzi, Chatillon Architectes, Panorama Architecture, Freaks, Titan, Atelier Cambium, Agence Pierre-Yves Caillault, Mikou, Chartier-Dalix, Patrick Berger, Viguier, RAUM, Dream.Archi, Franklin Azzi Architecture, Hame, Groupe 6, Zaha hadid, BIG, A.S Architecture Studio, Auer Weber Assoziierte, Adeline Rispal, Agence Search, ARQM, Atelier Alfonso Femia, Atelier Novembre, Atelier d’Architecture Pierre Hebbelinck, Atelier Robain Guieysse, B. Architecture, Beaudouin Architectes, Bordas Peiro, Birgitte Fryland, Bruno Gaudin, Bruno Mader, Carmody Groarke, Chabanne Architecte, Coop-Himmelb(l)au, Confino, Arscènes, Beaudouin-Husson Architectes, Brossy Et Associés, Bunker Palace, Castro & Denissof, Clé Millet, Daniel Lefevre, Deux et demi, Drlw Architectes, Dumetier Design, Ector Hoogstad Architecten, Explosition, Foster and Partners, Franklin Azzi, In-site, J-J Raynaud, Jean-Julien Simonot, Jean-Pierre Lott, Laurent Vié, K architectures, Lan Architecture, Flavio Bonuccelli, Maw, Marc Barani, MDR architectes, Moreau Kuzunoki, Jacques Moussafir, Atelier Maciej Fiszer, Magendie Architectes, Marc Nicolas Architectures, Martin Duplantier Architectes, Jean Nouvel, Outsign, Patrick Mauger, Philippe Galiano, Philippe Simon, Patrick Mauger, Pierre Louis Faloci, Presle Architectes, Renzo Piano , Projectiles, RCR architectes, Rh+, Rudy Ricciotti, Sérau, Soon Architectes, Studio Adrien Gardère, Studio Millimetre, Vincent Parreira, Pascal Rodriguez, Vision Lab, W architecture, Zuo architecture, …


lighting engineer

Les ateliers de l’éclairage, Raymond belle, Philippe Collet (Abraxas), Stéphanie Daniel, 8-18 lumière, Hervé Audibert, Alexis Coussement (ACL)


Kilian Berland, Julia Dessirier, Alexandre Echasseriau, Ariane Francescato, Helena Grintzalis, Romain Jeantet, Martial Marquet

multimedia designers

Studio K, On-situ, Lundi 8, Mardi 8, Réciproque, Mosquito

press agency

Agence Dehais, Metropolis, Self Image, Anne Samson Communication, Item

marketing & communication agency

L’agence française, Ikône

cultural programmation

Aubry Guiguet, Idéam, Locomotion, Altyx, Pragmatique, Reahm Developpement, Helena Grintzalis

sound design

Nicolas Lockhart


Oxysign, Abscisse, Boscher, Créations Du Val D’oise, Duograph, Empreinte, Fil Rouge, Forme Et Signe, Gazotti, Parafe, Objectif Numérique, Sepelco, Atelier Demaille


Tony Trichanh, Arthur Lockhart, Robin Pouly, Julien Discrit

digital programming

Inostudio, Gloglob, Paule Jorrot, Wami Concept, Ahmed Ghazi

disabled access experts

Nadia Sahmi


Agathe The Melon, Myriam Huré


M-O Mauchamp, Rachel Laskar


Pascale Blin, Marie Farman


Urban Cycle


Adm, Graphicentre, Graph’Imprim, Ici, Snel, Stipa, Bulk, Atelier André


Jeu de Paume, Languedoc Roussillon, Kardham, Société des Champagnes de la Grande Charte, Comédie Française, SCI Atlantique 30, Ville de Cannes, Architecture Studio, Altermès, Musée d’arts de Nantes, Change avocats, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, Stade Legallo, Riom Lagier, Philharmonie de Paris, Qair Energy, Lindsey Boylan, ORY Architecture, Palais Galliera, Mairie de Paris, Brossy + Associés, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Alter, RMN, Ateliers de Paris, Agence France Muséum, Art de Vivre, Association Gualiba, Paris Musées, CNAM, Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine, Ville de Paris, Institut du Monde Arabe, Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris Rendez-Vous, Zuo Architecture, Alexander Calder, Mémorial national du Canada, Design Museum, Musée d’Orsay, Délégation Générale aux Jeux Olympiques de Paris, Finca Formet, Astoria, Musée Olympique de Lausanne, Région Île-de-France, Le Fisher, Louvre Abu Dhabi, Polygone Riviera, Musée Carnavalet, Huawei, UCPA, B. Architecture, Maison de la musique de Nanterre, Musée Carnavalet, ADIM Paris Île-de-France, Musée franco-américain de Blérancourt, Les Docks, Théâtre municipal René Panhard, Kering, Just Opened London, Socle Architecture, Florac, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée Soulages, Musée de l’Homme, Institut du Monde Arabe, Studio Adrien Gardère, Centre Jean Prouvé, École W, Musée des Confluences, École Européenne de Strasbourg, Remy-Cointreau, Denerier+Martzolf, Les Bonnes Notes, Riom Lagier, Jardin des Tuileries, Musées Gallo-Romains, Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration, Musée des Arts décoratifs, Cherries on the boat, Mucem, Aga Khan Museum, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Abbaye aux Dames, Stade Bollaert, Musée de l’Ordre de la Libération, Learning Center de Lille, Château Royal de Blois, Musée Carnavalet, Le Jules, DDL Architectes, Centre Georges Pompidou, Théâtre de Corbeil-Essonnes, MDR Architecture, Locomotion, Le gouffre de Padirac, Musée des Arts décoratifs, Musée de l’Air et de l’Espace, Préfecture des Yvelines, Musée de la Faïence, Alma Intérieurs, Soon Architectes, Médiathèque de Connérré, Tandala, INSEP, Musée de l’Armé, Charlotte & Charlotte, Bibliothèque Nationale de France …