The exhibition "Bollywood Superstars" at Quai Branly is openned a year after the one at Louvre Abu Dhabi. Its objective is to tell the story of a century of Indian cinema, from its mythological origins to the cult status of its iconic actors and actresses.
Maciej Fiszer's innovative scenography relies on interconnected doors, creating seamless transitions between diverse sections while showing the rawness inherent in the backstage of film sets. The vibrant palette, inspired by the characteristic nuances of Indian cinema, plays a central role in creating an engaging and theatrical visitor journey. Enlargements prints on delicate tulle add to the opulence of the decor.
All titles feature hand-painted letters reminiscent of the lettering and street installations associated with cinema blockbuster releases in India. These titles are designed with a condensed, bold typography, encircled in black, reminiscent of the credits in Indian films during the 60s. These ornamental elements are reinforced through the printing of section texts on thick printed canvas, with a visible fiber.