Promoting an Artistic Path in a Shopping Center

Signage, Retail
Polygone Riviera
Cagnes-sur-Mer, France, 2017

Polygone Riviera in Cagnes-sur-Mer, France, is a new kind of shopping center. In the open, its ambition is to recreate an urban space with its neighborhoods and green spaces. An artistic journey is proposed through its streets. Unibail contacted us to assess the value of the little-known route.

We recommended action on several levels: informing, communicating, and showing. To solve the information deficit, we recommended indicating the artistic path on all orientation supports: signage plan, paper plan, and mobile application. We also recommended launching a communication campaign on the website to alert visitors to the new cultural offer.

Our last recommendation was to show the works. Some of them, contemporary, could confuse an uninitiated public. In collaboration with designer Julia Dessirier, we proposed creating an object, between cartel and street furniture, that would show the works: by informing on the artistic approach but also by visually challenging the visitor to stop and look. We produced two prototypes: the first track offers a framing on the works with an open window system, while the second is a work on the artistic journey by numbering the works as in a treasure hunt.